The quality of peace mentioned here is far more than an absence of conflict. In fact, when the Holy Spirit is allowed to dominate the inner man, peace can even be found in the midst of conflict. A Christian's peace is not governed by external conditions. It is governed by an internal tranquility that is empowered by a selfless partnership with the Holy Spirit.
With great intention, the Prince of Peace fashioned a whip and cleared the temple in John 2. In Luke 7, Jesus awarded great praise to a commander in the Roman army, yet He did so without even a hint of admonition that the Centurion should leave his military profession. In Matthew 23, Jesus launched a verbal barrage against the hypocrisy of His day and, in Luke 22, He instructed his followers to buy swords. Jesus is not a pacifist, yet He is the Prince of Peace.
Do not let the world judge you as a person without backbone. Ours is a peace that passes all understanding. On the one hand, it compels us to turn the other cheek, pursue unity and engage in self-sacrifice to promote reconciliation. On the other hand, it empowers us to protect the weak, defend the innocent and boldly confront all those who would abuse God's temple, our body.
Your living witness to the power of the Holy Spirit (Peace) may be the one thing necessary to help your friends see Christianity for what it really is. Time is short. Live like their tomorrow depends upon you!
In Greek, the word for peace is eirene. It means calmness and tranquility of mind and heart. Are you calm and tranquil?
The "Tip Clip" is simply a clothespin used to jog your memory. Place your "Tip Clip" in a spot that will give you daily reminders to work on the Holy Spirit characteristic of Peace. (Examples: Carry it in your pocket, attach it to the computer monitor, or hook it to your favorite coffee mug.) Use the tips below to help you grow in this area.
Tip: Plan a time every day to sit and be totally quiet for 10 minutes. Focus your mind on nothing other than holiness. Meditate (Psalms 77:12). Ask God to center your thoughts on Him and to give you power to find peace in the midst of worldly chaos.
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