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When Shepherds Are Cowards - When shepherds become distracted by the personal convenience of avoiding controversy, they actually become cowardly themselves.
Instrumental Music in Worship: Use or rejection of instruments in worship has been dividing point within the Lord’s fellowship for over 100 years. It is often suggested that the use of instruments in worship is “not biblical” or not permitted because of the “Law of Silence."
Was water baptism replaced with Spirit baptism?
Continue reading "Was water baptism replaced with Holy Spirit baptism?"
How Can I Lead a Friend to Christ? - During the Lord’s final instructions before ascending back into Heaven, Jesus issued a three-part assignment - go, make disciples/teach, and baptize (Matthew 28).
A description of spiritual warfare can be found in Ephesians 6:12. In this passage, we are given a rare glimpse into a realm where the real battle for our soul is being waged.
Less Talk, More Action - Part 1 - Even though we spend a lot of time pointing out problems, we spend very little time doing something about them.