Kindness & Goodness: Characteristics of the Holy Spirit 

Kindness & Goodness: Characteristics of the Holy Spirit

The quality of Kindness mentioned here is far more than just occasional acts of service. This virtue shows itself in all areas of a person’s character, speech, thoughts, goals, motives, etc. Only through a vibrant partnership with the Holy Spirit can this depth of personal character be achieved.

Someone has noted that the true character of a man is not measured by what he does in public but by what he does when no one is looking. This quality of the Holy Spirit prompts an excellence of life regardless of who sees. It manifests itself, not for the purpose of gain, but just because it is right.

The world is selfish and it is cruel. Your living witness to the power of the Holy Spirit may be the only thing providing your friends with true hope. Show them a Savior Who loves with pure motives. 

The quality of Goodness mentioned here is far more than just a reputation. Goodness is character excellence in action.

Someone has noted that wisdom is knowledge applied. Similarly, Goodness is kindness applied. Only through an ongoing partnership with the Holy Spirit can this practical application be maintained. Goodness is intentional, it is premeditated, and deliberate.

The world is corrupt. It promotes a version of “the good life” that has been polluted by self-abuse and false positives. A living witness to the power of the Holy Spirit (Goodness) may be the only way your friends will ever encounter the pristine purity of the good life in Christ Jesus. Time is short. Live like their tomorrow depends upon you!

In Greek, the word for kindness is chrestotes. It means excellence of character. In Greek, the word for goodness is agathosune. It means putting kindness into action. They are inseparable partners in our partnership with the Holy Spirit. Kindness is to goodness as faith is to work. The first is a condition of one's character and the latter is an expression of that character. 

"Tip Clip" Instructions:

The "Tip Clip" is simply a clothespin used to jog your memory. Place your "Tip Clip" in a spot that will give you daily reminders to work on the Holy Spirit characteristic of Patience. (Examples: Carry it in your pocket, attach it to the computer monitor, or hook it to your favorite coffee mug.) Use the tips below to help you grow in this area.

Tip: Read 2 Peter 1:5-8 every day for a week. Become the equation. 

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