Oh my! Wow! It changed me! Convicted! Awe! I'm in tears! Hallelujah!
These are phrases that define true worship. How many of them do you experience regularly?
In order to keep the faith, it is essential that we learn to truly worship. Only by experiencing an overwhelming obsession with His glory can we hope to keep our focus on the Divine power that is guarding us and pulling us through the storms of this life.
Thus far we have examined the importance of self-examination and fellowship. If you haven't already read those sections, I would encourage you to do so and take the personal assessment surveys before continuing on.
Personal Assessment Surveys:
Keep the Faith! Part 1: Self-examination
Part 2: Fellowship
On their way home from church, the little boy announced, "I'm gonna be a preacher when I grow up!" Puzzled by his sudden interest in ministry, his parents asked what had led him to this conclusion. "Well," said the young man, "since I gotta go to church anyway, I figure it will be more fun standing up and yelling than sitting down and being quiet."
In some ways, this little boy understands worship better than many adults. It is more fun to be involved than it is to sit idly by and do nothing. In fact, it is impossible to truly worship unless you participate. Worship is a condition of the heart. It can only be experienced when you involve yourself in it.
Below you will find several leading questions to help you observe and learn about the condition of worship within your church family. Take time to make a critical assessment of this important part of your world. It is an essential step along the path of your spiritual journey.
If you were to take a survey of your congregation, what would be their favorite expression of worship? On average, how much time is given to this expression within the collective worship service? Is that enough?
Who controls the order of worship expressions? In your opinion, how effective is this person or group? How could they improve?
Does the order of worship expressions ever vary to accommodate the needs of more than one group? (Example: What is done during the service to encourage worship within the hearts of children?)
Make a list of the various segments within your congregation and the different worship expressions they need.
Within every congregation, there is a nucleus of people who are regular in their attendance of worship services. Compile a list of the names of those people and what they have in common that draws them to these services.
Because Christians are called upon to have a constant attitude of worship (I Thessalonians 5:16-18), expressions of worship will come more often outside of the collective assembly than they will within. Individual worship time is necessary and commanded by God. See Matthew 6:6. List three things that your church family does to promote individual worship time. List three things that your church family could do better to promote individual worship time.
Missed the first two parts of this study? Check it out!
Keep the Faith! Being an Observer 1: Self-examination
2: Fellowship
Want to continue this study? Go to:
Keep the Faith! Being an Observer 4: Evangelism
Keep the Faith! Being a Follower 1a: Study
1b: Pray
1c: Meditate
2a: Attendance
2b: Involvement
2c: Belonging
3a: Being Like Him
3b: Being in Awe of Him
3c: Express Feelings for Him
4a: Being a Friend
4b: Being a Witness
4c: Providing a Message
Keep the Faith! Being a Leader - Introduction
1: Self-examination
2. Fellowship
3: Worship
4: Evangelism
Conclusion: Becoming a Complete Christian
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