Nothing is more important in your spiritual development than growing into the nature of God. It is your purpose. It is that for which your heart longs. This concluding survey is designed to measure your growth into that likeness.
Perhaps nothing describes God's nature better than the list given in Galatians 5:22-23. The fruit of the Spirit offers unique descriptions of the various facets of God's character. Use this passage to make regular evaluations of your overall progress toward developing His nature. As each facet of the Spirit's fruit is discussed, rank your achievement level on a chart that measures from 1 to 10.
1. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love..." - In Greek, the word for love is agape. It is the type of love that you choose to have toward another even when they mistreat you. To what degree do you love in this way?
2. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... joy" - In Greek, the word for joy is chara. It means spiritual gladness from a right relationship with God. To what degree do you have spiritual gladness?
3. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... peace" - In Greek, the word for peace is eirene. It means calmness and tranquility of mind and heart. To what degree are you calm and tranquil?
4. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... patience" - In Greek, the word for patience is makrothumia. It means inner toughness when provoked to change. To what degree do you have inner toughness?
5. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... kindness" - In Greek, the word for kindness is chrestotes. It means excellence of character. To what degree do you have an excellent character?
6. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... goodness" - In Greek, the word for goodness is agathosune. It means putting kindness (above) into action. To what degree are you actively good?
7. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... faithfulness" - In Greek, the word for faithfulness pistis. It means reliably trustworthy. To what degree can you be trusted to be reliable
8. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... gentleness" - In Greek, the word for gentleness is prautes. It means willfully conciliatory and considerate. To what degree are you considerate
9. "But the fruit of the Spirit is... self-control" - In Greek, the word for self-control egkrateia. It means mastering one's desires and impulses. To what degree are you in control of your desires and impulses?
The greatest form of flattery is being like the person you admire. God is flattered by the same. As your Father, He longs for you to grow up to be just like Him.
Throughout your life, you should return to this survey time and time again. Use it as your guide into the very nature of the Father. Evaluate your spiritual condition regularly. Hold yourself accountable.
I'm a Christian, now what? It is my prayer that we have answered that question in enough detail to launch you into the greatest adventure of your eternal existence. The material you have just completed should only be viewed as the first of many steps in your exciting journey toward the very heart of God. Never stop growing. Never stop learning. Never stop testing the progress you have made. The Savior paid too much and the Father loved too hard for you to be anything less than your very best. Always put God first and He will never allow you to be last.
May God bless you on your journey. Keep the faith!
Missed the beginning of the "Keep the Faith!" series? Check it out!
Keep the Faith! Being an Observer
Being a Follower
Also, don't forget - Keep the Faith! Being a Leader: Introduction
Being a Leader 1: Self-Examination
Being a Leader 2: Fellowship
Being a Leader 3: Worship
Being a Leader 4: Evangelism
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