Growth Stage Three: Becoming a Leader
Every new Christian should go through at least three stages of development on their way to spiritual maturity. In the opening section of this series, you learned to be an effective observer. In the second section, you learned to be a follower. In this section, you will be encouraged to lead.
Unfortunately, many Christians never reach this level of spiritual growth. Leadership pulls a person outside their comfort zone and often involves personal risk. Many are unwilling to make that kind of sacrifice and they choose to remain at the convenient level of an observer or a follower. God deserves more.
As in the earlier stages of development, this stage is also marked by four directions of growth. The words of a children's song will help you remember these directions, "I'm in right, out right, up right, down right, happy all the time..." Christians grow by reaching in to themselves, out to their church family, up to their Creator and down to those who might be following them.
To be an effective leader, a person must consider his own worthiness to lead. The following material will present several surveys to help you gauge your own preparation to be a leader. You will be asked to examine yourself and your ability to lead in the promotion of fellowship, worship, and evangelism.
Remember, the surveys are only as good as the honesty you use in completing them. Think of them as tests that you are giving to yourself with God looking over your shoulder. Before you read the question, He knows how you should answer. Be critically honest with yourself and with God. Show Him your heart and He will give you His blessing.
After completing this important section, be sure to consider the most important characteristic shared by every leader since the beginning of time. All leaders have someone who follows. When this study is finished, please understand that it is really just beginning. You are now called to be a leader. From this point on, you have the responsibility of seeking out others and leading them through this same important material. When your student reaches this point in their study, encourage them to seek out their own students.
The process we have just described is as old as the New Testament and as fresh as your next relationship. Jesus did it and, before leaving the earth, He commanded you to do it also.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
-Matthew 28:19-20
Next time we will open with a survey designed to promote self-examination. Until then, please ask God to prepare you for honest assessments, an open mind, and Divine applications.
Missed the beginning of the "Keep the Faith!" series? Check it out!
Keep the Faith! Being an Observer
Also, don't forget the twelve lessons in the "Being a Follower" section!
Keep the Faith! Being a Follower 1a: Study
1b: Prayer
1c: Meditation
2a: Attendance
2b: Involvement
2c: Belonging
3a: Being Like Him
3b: Being in Awe of God
3c: Express Feelings for Him
4a: Being a Friend
4b: Being a Witness
4c: Providing a Message
Want to continue this series? Go to:
Keep the Faith! Being a Leader 1: Self-Examination
2: Fellowship
3: Worship
4: Evangelism
Conclusion: Becoming a Complete Christian
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