Fruit of the Spirit: How can I know if I'm maturing in Christ?
Jesus said we can know a person by the fruit they bear. The fruit of the Spirit is by far the most impressive evidence of a mature Christian.
How is your fruit? Test yourself. Read each definition below (Galatians 5:22-23). On a scale from 1 to 10, evaluate how much of that fruit is obvious in your life.
- “But the fruit of the Spirit is love...” - In Greek, the word for love is agape. It is the type of love that you choose to have toward another even when they mistreat you. Do you love this way?
- “... joy” - In Greek, the word for joy is chara. It means spiritual gladness from a right relationship with God. Do you have spiritual gladness?
- “... peace” - In Greek, the word for peace is eirene. It means calmness and tranquility of mind and heart. Are you calm and tranquil?
- “... patience” - In Greek, the word for patience is makrothumia. It means inner toughness when provoked to change. Do you have inner toughness?
- “... kindness” - In Greek, the word for kindness is chrestotes. It means excellence of character. Do you have an excellent character?
- “... goodness” - In Greek, the word for goodness is agathosune. It means putting kindness into action. Are you actively good?
- “... faithfulness” - In Greek, the word for faithfulness is pistis. It means reliably trustworthy. Can you be trusted to be reliable?
- “... gentleness” - In Greek, the word for gentleness is prautes. It means willfully conciliatory and considerate. Are you considerate?
- “... self-control” - In Greek, the word for self-control is egkrateia. It means mastering ones desires and impulses. Are you in control of your desires and impulses?
So, how did you do? Are you maturing in Christ? Revisit this list often. Compare your character and adjust your life accordingly. There is no greater pursuit than a life that obviously reflects the Christian advantage. Make it real!
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